The Albion Roar
The sanctions already exist to penalise players for time-wasting. The question that needs answering is why our referees don't impose those penalties to their fullest extent.
Start booking, and then sending off, players who timewaste and the penny won't take long to drop.
The fake head injuries would stop if there was a compulsory off field HIA check (akin to the egg chasing regime) and I would wager that avenue of cheating would stop pretty smartish too.
I think the time-keeping should be done independently of the referee who records when time is being wasted and for genuine and faked injuries and that official (not a bloody referee on a day off) determines the "added time".
No need to lose a third of the game if there are a couple of tweaks to the existing rules.
Fundamentally disagree. It should be at the discretion of one person - and that's the person closest to the action. Even in rugby, the referee tells the timekeeper when to stop the clock.
All of this, of course, would only ever be applicable to the Premier League as it requires dedicated offsite technology.
But the simple plain fact is - there's absolutely no justification to change the time-keeping rules now. Or ever.