5 millionth post poster
Has anybody found out if they are season specific, so if you don't go to any friendly or cup games you will have 7 to carry forward to next year, likewise we may only have away cup games this season.
So, could the missus also use a voucher to go shopping on a Saturday afternoon?
Just got mine too. Also was confirmed that anyone can use for any games. I have bought one, and can buy another when we need it. All good.
Was there an admin fee for the booking!?
Bit annoying these vouchers for me, coming from Polegate to falmer.
Polegate to lewes..............5.90
Polegate to falmer.............6.70
So it's not worth buying........think they should have extended it to Eastbourne.
Yes £2 admin fee - just bought two and was told they were game specific
Get yourself a Network Railcard - it will drop the Polegate to Falmer price at weekends to £4.40.
Plus the 28.00 for the card divided by 16 sat games.........looking at 6.20, still cheaper though so thanks.