It’s all about air bnb and holiday homes.
like here there is a huge problem with housing for locals and as so many air bnb( owner billionaire now a big buddy with the Fuhrer and his swasticar chum) lie empty for long periods, locals are getting upset
perfectly sensible.
also growth of all inclusive
hotels and resorts, many tourists are spending all their time on resorts and not spending money at local restaurants or shops.
a perfect storm
Ultimately it’s all about the availability of affordable housing. Air b n b letting is a huge issue but of course it’s the locals, not the tourists, that are renting these out and benefitting from them.
Holiday homes are a bit of a red herring as they are largely built in holiday ‘communities’ and are priced so high that even if the market dropped by 50% they would be unaffordable by local people.
Spain has a woeful record of building affordable housing - Mallorca (scene of a lot of demos) has not built any for over 20 years and still have no plans to do so. It suits politicians to blame tourists as this diverts the attention from their own failings.
There is a real need to develop other industries to reduce the over reliance on often low paid tourist related jobs. However, in the meantime, all the many Spanish people that I know do not support the anti tourist demos and are very concerned about their economic impact