Nappy thrower
Yes and everyone's been really understanding. I'm getting so much support from a girl I work with, she's made me feel so happy again.
Can i ask how old you are?
Yes and everyone's been really understanding. I'm getting so much support from a girl I work with, she's made me feel so happy again.
32. As I said before I've never been a confident person and meeting new people can be quite daunting.
Have you tried CBT? It works by challenging and confronting any negative perceptions you have that keeps you in that cycle of anxiety and depression. I think this combined with a gradual weaning off of the drug may help. Im no expert but I was previousley on Paroxetine for Social Anxiety and was offered CBT many times but chose not to as a change in circumstances (lost a load of weight) improved my confidence masssively and i was gradually weaned off the drug. What ever you choose fella good luck with it.
Diazepam takes a long time to leave the body and I can go 3-4 days without using it but the anxiety gets worse and worse. My hands shake sometimes. Seizures are possible from withdrawal which sounds really frightening.
I'm worried sick about my medication being stopped abruptly.
Those are withdrawal symptoms, avoid caffeine and for God's sake don't use alcohol to clam you. A pint is one thing but go careful with that, it's highly counter productive.
Anyway, feel free to PM me as I know a lot about this from personal experience. Also, if anybody makes any stupid remarks to you about this just ignore them, you are ill so you need treatment just the same as if you had a broken leg.
I don't drink tea, coffee, coca cola or Red Bull as that would make things ten times worse and I try to be careful with alcohol. The treatment I'm getting is with a clinic. It's a case of now or never, I don't want to be on Diazepam for the rest of my life. They're 5mg yellow tablets which aren't that strong but I usually take four at a time which is reckless.
All the comments on here have been very supportive and kind. I honestly love everybody on this forum. I'll beat this addiction and become more confident naturally without using tranquillizers.
Thanks again to everyone for their support.
Yes and everyone's been really understanding. I'm getting so much support from a girl I work with, she's made me feel so happy again.
Anyway Durlston. I hope things pick up for you soon as you are a decent bloke and I know where your coming from in your past traumatic events.