Big heart, hot blood and balls. Big balls
- Nov 18, 2004
- 10,077
I found out the other day that wardens have to wait 5 mins from entering your cars details in their machine before they can actually issue the ticket. Having watch a few in action the other day it appeared two were walking past vehicles and on the sly entering the details. Then when the drivers had though they had let them go they popped back 6mins later and quickly slapped the tickets on before the drivers noticed.
Normally wardens ask you to move and then issue it if you don't or havent when they come back. These two looked like they were on commision.
I'm confused why you think this is out of order? They see a car and enter the details then come back after the correct time has elapsed and issue a ticket.How stupid would you be to see a traffic warden next to you illegally parked car and then not try and move it straight away?