thats all very well put but i just dont recall those objections the last two times NI was raised. was all about ring fencing the funding of healthcare services, a tax on jobs from the other side. get rid and have only income tax if keeping a progressive system is what matters.
Which is a complete lie. NI is a tax and it isn't ringfenced. Governments just pretend it is.
Not sure what a 'progressive' tax system means, but if it means taking a greater % of income from higher income earners, this is 'Newspeak' - it isn't remotely progressive and I have always opposed it.
My left wing brother thinks that (for example) if one person earns £10,000 and pays £1,000 in tax then it is fair that if another person earns £100,000 they should pay £20,000 in tax, and if a third person earns £1,000,000 they should pay £400,000 in tax. He calls that 'progressive'. I call it an abuse of the laws of mathematics and reason.