Nobby Cybergoat
Well-known member
- Jul 19, 2021
- 9,441
I haven't got much to add except to say that, as a long-term lazy arse slacker, I have found it equally easy to be unproductve at work or at home.
The main difference being that when I slack off at home it usually inolves something relatively positive, like going for a walk or doing some baking. Whereas at work it involves leaving a work related document on my screen whilst staring out of the window and day dreaming about Victoria Cohen-Mitchell, a hot tub and game of trivial pursuit with forfeits*.
I should also note that I've rarely if ever had a bad review, never been sacked and always left work with good references. Which suggests that I am either a consumate bullsh*tter or that my actual value is not directly tied to the number of hours spent tapping at a computer. LIke many others (and unlike all those people who actually do/make real stuff), I have a bullsh*t job and if I didn't do it, hardly anyone would notice and the world would be much the same place. So maybe it's time drop the victorian era obsession with the protestant work ethic and chill a bit about how people arrange their lives and choose to get their work done.
*this may be a little niche, but I bet I'm not the only one.
I'm hoping the thumbs up speaks volumes