Particularly surprising as the 'old people' mostly voted Brexit!
Particularly surprising as the 'old people' mostly voted Brexit!
Tories boast of record NHS funding, but where, exactly is the funding going?
From the Guardian blog
Stevens says Hancock thought, if NHS overwhelmed, he should decide who would live or die, not doctors
O’Connor is now asking about discussions about what might need to happen if the NHS was overwhelmed, and care had to be rationed.
Stevens says Matt Hancock thought that, if decisions had to be taken about who would live and who would die, that should be a ministerial matter.
He says Hancock “took the position that in this situation he, rather than the medical profession or the public, should ultimately decide who should live and who should die”.
Stevens says that his view was that this should be a matter for doctors.
He says luckily the NHS never got to a position where anyone did have to take these decisions.
End of last episode it was apparent that SAS chappies had sussed him. Looking forward to them breaking him into tiny pieces. He obviously thought lipping an interogator was a clever move. We shall see.They decided this anyway by shutting off treatments and turning it into a covid service.
Shame on TV companies giving Hancock money to be on shows.
Well, this old person didn’t!Particularly surprising as the 'old people' mostly voted Brexit!
Well, this old person didn’t!
As regards the ‘evidence’ coming out of the Covid Inquiry, it seems mainly to be, he said, she said, he thought, they thought, arse covering, revenge finger pointing and quotes and random ideas, regardless of the context they were taken from, being chucked around like squabbling six year olds telling tales.
Wonderful for interested parties to gossip about and use as ammo against the Tories, but really of little importance, surely. What is more important is what was the thinking behind the decisions that were made , not the thoughts of a rambling buffoon aka Johnson or a narcissistic nutter aka Dom. After all, despite Johnson’s belief that the oldies should ‘cop it’ and let the younger generation get on with life, that did not happen. The whole country was subject to pretty draconian unprecedented rules of lockdown, which were largely obeyed. I’m more interested in hearing whether or not this was the correct approach given the fallout to business, education, health(beside Covid) etc.I’m pretty certain the medics would have had us locked down for ever and a day if they’d had their way, but they didn’t have to make the decisions regarding business, the economy, education etc.
Oh well, I suppose the Inquiry will rumble on and eventually there will be more nitty gritty information that comes out and makes it all worth while.
I dare say we will be hearing that horribly overused expression,’ lessons will be learnt’ about a thousand times from the talking heads!
A little bit harsh to tar all politicians as baddies, but I agree with you re the present bunch.British politicians never seem accountable for anything today.
Dodgy politicians appear to continue to collect money from private sources and never get punished for their misdemeanours.
I have very little trust in our government ministers having any kind of integrity.
Never have I had a lower opinion of any British government.
Yes Watford, you are absolutely correct, I have only been watching the highlights and reading things on t’internet, so I am pleased to hear that more serious stuff is being discussed. Without you, I would never have realised, so at least some good has come from you getting Covid!I suspect that you've been reading/watching the 'highlights' rather than actually watching this week's evidence (and even a boring bastard like me wouldn't have, had I not tested Positive for COVID on Sunday)
There has been a lot of detailed evidence from very calm, competent, experienced and professional experts and Civil Servants about exactly what happened, when and what information was available and what decisions were made when. Undoubtedly, 'lessons will be learned' and we will be better prepared for the next Pandemic which everyone knows will be sooner rather than later. Watch Helen MacNamara's evidence, the one Cummings unsurprisingly was trying to get rid of.
Unfortunately, this was all happening whilst the 'Top Management' were having, by their own words, 'a narcissistic orgy'.
Having worked for piss poor senior management teams (but not that piss poor) I appreciate how hard it can be to achieve even the most obvious simple things. You're not really surprised that the self proclaimed 'narcissistic orgyists' got the headlines, are you![]()
Yes Watford, you are absolutely correct, I have only been watching the highlights and reading things on t’internet, so I am pleased to hear that more serious stuff is being discussed. Without you, I would never have realised, so at least some good has come from you getting Covid!
I seem to remember Helen M. being involved in some dodgy doings at some stage. Can’t remember quite what, but no doubt you can inform me.
Hope you recover soon from your ailment, but you’re not missing much in the great outdoors. Certainly not the weather for the Jag! I sold my big old XJL and have got a more manageable BMW Tourer. Lovely, very fast, but entirely different car from the Jag.![]()
Unfortunately not.Within the higher echelons of the Civil Service there are very ambitious people moving round (particularly in the Westminster bubble), but 9 months would be a very short tenure in a relatively junior role, let alone a senior one. Johnson, Cummings and co moved a fair few senior people around because they thought they knew better than those people who had actually run the country for years but look where that has got us
It's similar to senior management in any company of that size that employs half a million people in that it has it's high fliers, but they are backed up by tens of thousands of experts who spend their whole careers in particular areas of specialism. Imagine what would happen if they really put someone in charge of running the country who had no competence, expertise, experience or background and didn't trust the experts ........... oh
It has certainly been the biggest disaster in politics that I have seen in my 60+ years, but I think even the most naïve of voters have now realised, haven't they![]()
do you think she has an ounce of compassion for any living soul? callous and evil beyond wordsIf this is true and not a wind-up, then FFS. I can’t think of a single Conservative voter that I know that would vote for this. This is just outright cruelty to other human beings.
do you think she has an ounce of compassion for any living soul? callous and evil beyond words.
Indeed. Repeat votes gives the message to carry on. That party needs a reset. The country needs that more mind.I would urge anyone whose politics would not allow them to vote for the Labour Party to switch their vote to the Liberal Democrats. This incarnation of the Conservative Party needs to start losing its deposit in places, otherwise this cruelty gets normalised.