1. Ready salted hula hoops
2. Flame grilled steak mccoys
3. Pickled onion monster munch
damn! you are hardcore old school!
Pickled onion, Monster munch
Thai sweet chili, sensations
Tomato ketchup, walkers (unfortunately don't do them no more)
iirc Lays are the company that own Walkers.Had a packet of Walkers cheese & onion today!!!
I have to say I do miss them, they do not do cheese & onion in Canada (no not really) to get the Walkers to travel 20 miles to, yes you got it (the English shop) would you believe in Shakespeare Ontario. Even then they are only 1 month in date & cost about 1.75 for a small pkt (pounds).
They do however, have Lays chips over here. Lays are always really fresh & tasty, I can only guess that’s because and why they sell so many. Probably also the reason why there are so many fat bastards in North America.
1. Salt and Vinegar Chipsticks
2. Pickled Onion Space Raiders
3. Spicy Tomato Wheat Crunchies
2) Chilli heatwave Doritos
mr porkys pork scratchings
Knock 1st down to second and replace it with beef and mustard Brannigans, and switch Spicy Tomato with Worcester Sauce flavour and you've got it!
Strewth! I hope Waino ain't spooked-out by your uncanny fave crisp similarities innit.