You like Bloom don't you?
We need to buy him out and have a select board of NSC members run things.
Nothing less will save the club.
I pledge £10.
Yes it is ultimately his fault, I cannot deny that but..........
........what the f**k do you want from him? Do you just want your pound of flesh out of Tony Bloom after all he's done? Do you want him put in stocks to publicly humiliate himself - will that make you feel better? (that goes for every other selfish pr*ck on this board digging out Bloom)
Our options are Bloom or nothing, the bloke is irreplacable so why abuse him like this? I'm sure he's hurting about all this right now, he doesn't need the fans abusing him. Bloom is the one person we should all be backing, regardless of him mistakes. We NEED him here for the long term
I can't believe what I'm reading. Ungrateful idiots.
It's catch 22 with Bloom. We need his money and he is a fan but he's made some mistakes. He struck lucky with Poyet but how he and the board dealt with the death throes of Poyet's tenure were amateur to say the least. Then when Oscar leaves he goes on record slagging Oscar off. A dignified silence both times would have been better.
Now we have a squad cut back to the bare bones and it was possibly the plan to play a different way - why ? Poyet built a decent way of playing and Oscar continued it more or less. Why start again ? Why were TK, Upson and Olandi allowed to go ? They had nowhere else to go at the time. I'll give him Ulloa - that kind of money and standing in the way of a move to the Premier League made the situation inevitable.
Will Bloom put his hands up ? Let's wait and see.
Every chairman makes a bad appointment every now and then, his previous choices have done excellent, it's how you react to getting it wrong, it's fair to say now is the time for action and as ever I believe Tony will do what is nessecary.
Without Tony Bloom we wouldn't be in this mess, we would probably be at Withdean in Div 4. Get a grip !
You're being far too subtle with your (continued) point. What you need to say is that to buy out TB and run the club your own way, it'll cost every adult season ticket holder a one off contribution of around £14k - plus £600-700 a season unless you want a CEO like Barber cutting costs and maximising fan revenue.
He is the 1 who has employed these goons. He is the 1 who sanctioned the sale of our best players. He is the 1 who agreed to buy/loan the wally's he have replaced them with. He is the blame for the mess we are in, the buck stops with him. Yeh he's done great things but hes also made some crazy decisions too. He needs to grow some balls, admit his mistakes, get rid of the goons or we are certain to find ourselves playing Fleetwood in League 1. Either that or sell up. The arselickers are no doubt going to shoot me down but i really dont give a shit. Enough is Enough.
I agree that the buck stops with TB, and that therefore he is likely to be criticised for some of the decisions he has made - but, he has shelled out £200M and done a whole lot of good for our club - a BIG whole lot. I do hope that the questioning of some of his recent decisions (ie appointments he has made) does not turn into an 'Anti-Bloom' agenda, because 'Bloom out' is the last thing we need......let's be critical where we feel it is justified, but let's not forget the gratitude part either.
I wouldn't have posted if this was just the view of the OP, but with 21 thumbs up, and 1 thumbs down, I guess I'm in the minority that is both extremely grateful to TB, and trusting of his judgement.The OP has such a track record in being an idiot that he is currently being sought by a number of villages to represent them.
Yesterday was dreadful, the season overall has been a bit crap, but that's always been the way with the Albion.
Not wishing to split hairs, but XXXXX of TB's 'own' money
That would be XXXX of what used to be his gambling customer's money, yes?
And something that is missed, what does a multi-millionaire do with his/her half billion in the bank?
Look at their statement every month and work out the interest?
Or do what people of all means do, and get a 'hobby?'