Get the 8.30 train from Southampton to Brighton
Meet up with my brothers about 11am in Brighton
Spot of Brekkie and a beer
More beer
Train to Falmer more beer
Watch a 5-0 win
Back to Shoreham for a BBQ
Mrs drives me back to Southampton
I've got a fiver on a 5-0 win at 100:1!
anyone else worried they won't be able to sleep tonight? yes
gonna have to get drunk tonight just to make sure - me too![]()
Wake up. Head to Weatherspoons for breakfast. Eat breakfast & then start drinking copious amounts of lager. Jump on the bus to Polegate. Nip in the Legion for a couple more pints then jump on the train at 1312 hrs & head straight to the bar in the WSU for a pie & pint combo followed by more lager.