So in your estimation, that seems to indicate that we shouldn’t try to do anything about it? How sad.
The main tenet of all the major religions is something along the lines of “do unto others as you would have them do to you”, and yes, that includes Islam, despite what people say about it being a religion of hate.
And despite your miserable outlook, people can actually ENJOY trying to do things right. I read something by Jess Phillips the other week where she said she enjoys being angry - I know exactly what she means.
Enjoy your cesspit.
They like a bit of stalking don’t they, these racists. With Belfield appearing in court soon to face no less than twelve counts of stalking, now Yaxley-Lemon has got himself a stalking order for stalking, harassing, and threatening a female journalists and her partner. Ever such nice boys.
Two commonalities with these sorts; stalking and unsubstantiated claims that people are paedophiles. A very odd mentality.
Not me always happy, just ask WZ, he is constantly whining about my non miserable outlook.
Bunch of cvnts.......lib dem twats who supported revoking are the worst type of citizen that exist in the country
Lib dem revokers were cvnts and will always be known as cvnts
Worst type of citizen in the country.............nasty cvnty cvnts lib dem twats
Think you get my drift on those undemocratic loon fvckwits
still doesnt change the fact lib dem revokers will always be cvnts
If you say so
Lib dem revokers are cvnts though..............worst citizens the UK has
The postings of a very normal individual, nothing wrong with getting irritated by politicians every once in a while....what's that? All these quotes are from the same page of one thread? Oh.
Very normal, very happy.
So it seems Tommy Robinson was right all along with his claims of grooming gangs in Telford.
I wonder if anyone from the Home Office will be sending him a bunch of flowers ?
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It has been a long time, now.....Come on, fan boys. Where is your rebuttal? Or has TB smashed you into the allotments?
I'll start you off.
Whatabout his patriotism? As an ex serviceman, he kept us safe from the Agies, the IRA and the Muslims.
Anyone who accuses someone else of being a paedophile as an attempt to get a reaction is very, very suspect.
It demonstrates that they don’t really have an idea how devastating child abuse is. The fact that they can bandy the accusation around so freely is an indication that they don’t regard it as a particularly serious crime. Which is very worrying indeed.
We’ve all done the odd “nonce” quip about someone like Prince Andrew but to actually accuse someone when you know it’s untrue, different level of creepiness.
So it seems Tommy Robinson was right all along with his claims of grooming gangs in Telford.
I wonder if anyone from the Home Office will be sending him a bunch of flowers ?
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