My guess - pretty much 100% positive correlation ��

My guess - pretty much 100% positive correlation ��
What a depressing bunch of utter moronic twats there are on this forum. Fortunately outnumbered by people with a brain. It's the usual suspects spouting their ignorant bile, the only positive being that their bullshit is so easily shot down.
The OP and his supporters are c***s. Thick, bigoted, dinosaur c***s. An embarrassment to this board, the football club that they support and humanity in general. Just **** off.
I agree with that, but the kid doesn't start off at a disadvantage by having two "fathers" or two "mothers".
Sorry, but it's a basic thing for me. I'm not the slightest bit religious, but marriage is an arrangement between a man and a woman. That's it. Has been for thousands of years and worked pretty well. The law is an ass, to quote Mr Bumble.. And I'm not in favour of single males or single females having children on their own by choice.. If a marriage or partnership breaks down and one of the couple has to bring up the child on his/her own, then regrettable but has to be done. There are many many statistics to confirm that children do better when brought up in two parent (one of each sex) family environment.
As for the child being conceived "naturally", I think you'll find it unlikely that it was conceived naturally by the two guys that are now going to pretend to be its parents.
they are married so they are husbands. That is a matter of law, you are wrong. Is your opinion is that it takes a male and female to bring up Children, if so what about single mothers or fathers ,are you saying they shouldn't be allowed to have children.If not then what is your objection to two males bringing up children, if you are ok with a single male doing it. How do you know the child wasn't conceived "naturally"., and if so what is your objection?
Please put some substance on why they shouldn't be allowed to do this, with some well thought out valid reasoning, or you just appear a complete bigoted homophobic idiot, which I am sure you aren't.
I am not the kind of person who bullies people. Never have, never will. But the fact is that such kids are more likely to get bullied than kids from a two parent (one of each sex) family. Growing up is tough enough anyway for many kids. Why make life even tougher for them by forcing a "two father" disadvantage on them?
Err, your source could not really be accused of being unbiased now could it?
That's just not true. I know several kids with gay parents and have been to many social gatherings where there a lots of kids present. My kids are adopted and go to plenty of events arranged for adoptive kids - in Brighton, that means a lot of gay couples. I have never once seen a child picked on or taunted because his or her parents are gay ... not once.
One of my own relatives is the child of a gay parent and they had a happy childhood with lots of friends.
And my anecdotal experience is backed up by research - "Issues raised in the debate included concerns that children adopted by same-sex couples would face bullying from peers and worries that children’s own gender identity might be skewed by being raised by parents of the same sex. Responses from the same-sex parents, adopted children themselves and the children’s teachers indicates that these issues do not appear to be a significant problem."
You do yourself no good by slating and abusing people with differing views, attempt to educate or reason but please don't lower yourself as you end up losing.
Unfortunately in the current threads where people disagree, especially political, end up as a pathetic Neanderthal slanging match, with no proper discussion.
People do have differing views just because they may not sit right with you doesn't mean they can't be heard.
Apart from that I agree with you
And you my friend are obviously an extremely unpleasant individual. Unable to criticise without the most depressing childish swearing. You highlight a real problem this country has at present, the inability of far too many people to accept the fact that others are permitted to have their own opinions. You are quite likely the kind of person who threatens politicians from the party you don't support.