Let's be honest: if we had a penalty against us 20 seconds after extra time should have finished, there would be howls of outrage. It led me to think the game could benefit from timekeeping similar to Aussie rules. Whenever play is stopped the clock stops, therefore, no extra time is needed, the timekeeping is set and separate from the ref so it doesn't matter if there is a chance of scoring when the time is up the siren is blown. The only exceptions are (from Wikipedia) "The quarter or match ends when a field umpire hears the siren, with the exceptions that a score can result from a ball already in flight at the time of the siren, and that a player is allowed to kick for goal after the siren from a mark or free kick which was paid before the siren." I read an article on this where the author was saying if this type of timekeeping was introduced and the game was reduced to 60 mins we would get more time with the ball in play and time-wasting would become a non issue.