Exactly how I see it too, if he wasn't a mod would he have even bothered reporting Vultures post ? Probably not !How very sad of you.........3 month ban for Vulture, because he thinks you,re a prick.
I look at all the name-calling on this board and you being called a prick is insignificant. People are called "cnuts", "wankers", told to "f***-off" etc etc etc and no bans............you even use the word "f***" in your post.
However, vulture has merely used the word "prick" in relation to you (I,ll leave it to users of the forum to have their own judgement of whether that applies to you) and in your capacity of Moderator (already you have banned more people than any other moderator, giving an indication of a power-mad lunatic...?) you have decided on a THREE MONTH BAN....!
Very sad of you.
Why do you even bother being associated with this forum....? All the other moderators are memorable for their viewpoints.......and their posts.
You however...........are who exactly...? What is your purpose in life...? Buggered if I can see it..!
But seeing as he is a mod, he decides its worth a ban, yet reading through the board there are far worst insults and threats that go unpunished.
Why does e77 feel so "trigger happy" was he bullied at school ? Did he fail in his police application or worse still is he a Steward ? He is almost certainly a jobsworth and a very unfair jobsworth at that !