According the Labour activist that knocked on my door a few weeks ago I should be utterly apoplectic about golliwogs.As a fully paid up member of the lefty wokaratti I am finding it hard to keep up with all things I am supposed to be angry about at the moment. As I often forget that I am supposed to care about certain stuff I thought it was handy to have them all in one thread.
Last week seemed to be black mermaid, this was tough for me as not being a 10 year old girl makes it hard for me to get upset triggered about mermaids.
This week we seem to be back to a female James Bond. I have no idea of this is actually happening but apparently I am supposed to be angry about it. Again this is hard because I haven't really been that interested in James Bond since A View to a Kill (I went for my birthday and Duran Duran did the song - it was ace). My passing interest of watching a couple of the Daniel Craig ones with my son hasn't really equipped me to get cross about it.
I wonder if there was this uproar when they decided to make him Scottish?
Anyway, what are the other things I should be getting angry about? (children's books badfish, don't forget children's books - they are changing them, and this time it's bad.
Culture Wars, what are they good for . . . Huh!! Distracting the voters Hun!