I agree with much of the above but would like to add continuous performances at cinemas.
At busy periods you might have to queue until someone already inside left. This would allow you to advance until you were at the head of the queue. A factor to be taken into consideration was the different bands of seat prices which might mean someone behind you who could afford a higher price seat than you could get inside before you.
Your entry might be in the middle of a film so you would see the ending not knowing how it had begun. There were usually 2 films about 75 to 90 minutes long separated by a number of adverts and a newsreel. Three to three and half hours later you left having seen the beginning of the original film. Your leaving could allow somebody in the outside queue to take your seat.
Ordnance Survey maps. I love 'em. All those contours.
My wife used to lead a group of cub scouts, and one day she took a map in to show them a few local landmarks. One lad piped up 'I know what that is miss. It's a paper satnav'.
Taking advantage of the "funny bloke", by getting him to buy you a bag of sweets in the hope you might "sit on his lap", and pedalling off as soon as you had them. Chap known as "Bert the Bender" to all politically incorrect young boys in Crawley.
3 channels but you also had some mates who had that strange separate white square Redifusion switch on the wall which meant they could London Weekend as well as the Southern ITV. Used to be dead jealous as they seemed to get more midweek football highlights shows
Sure its been mentioned, but they would never understand how easy it was to drink in a pub underage
(relatively speaking to nowadays)
If you missed the football results on the TV or radio on Saturday teatime, having to wait until the paper was delivered Sunday morning to find out.
Bloke coming door to door asking to sharpen your knives on his grinding wheel on his bike..........also said he could do lawn mowers!!!!