Cant believe this hasn't had a mention. When your in a long queue of cars (for example exiting a motorway) & people sail past the queue & stick their indicator on & try & cut in at the front. This leaves them sat in the nearside lane & causes delays as well as driving you nuts when you've been sat in the queue for a while. Happens at roadworks when they reduce from 3 lanes to 2 etc.
adopting a driving system based on watching the road ahead and driving accordingly. Do your own occasional commentary on whats going on and looking for hazards is a good way of practising this technique. When you do this it also becomes obvious just how many other drivers are failing to drive as safely as they might.
People turning around after a accident like the one I'm witnessing now on coldean lane, there has nearly been 3 other crashes
On rural a roads, people who drive so slowly for miles thwarting your progress and then do a mansell on the one straight safe stretch that appears for the first time in 234.8 miles so you can't overtake them (usually at that point, despite no traffic passing you the other way for 6hrs, there is ALWAYS a car coming the other way on aforementioned safe bit - and it's another 74 miles until another safe stretch occurs....and then the 2nd car of the day coming the other way will suddenly appear! I am convinced councils employ people as "oncoming traffic" to wait around safe overtaking areas on rural roads and pop out just as I'm coming along in order to prolong my frustration / tailgating Miss Marple in front).
Drivers who undertake on the motorway.
Drivers who sit in the middle lane of the motorway despite nothing being in the slow lane.