But its not a millstone, it really isn't. Its a context on which to base big decisions. It makes life easier in an organisation. The top 10 is a lofty ambition/vision. The whole club needs to sign up for it : Our best hope of getting there and staying there, is to run the club in way that means we produce players more cheaply than simply buying, produce players that can be sold for huge profit, create an environment that allows these ultimately brave decisions to be made. GP is key to that right now - his development of players, willingness to provide the pathway etc. are far more important : make the strategy a reality. CH was key to the "one Ambition" piece : he wasn't the guy to deliver the next development. That's the key : its no point TB et al wanting to be sustainable top 10 if other parts of the Club, like the 1st team coach, are simply shouting for more money for players.
I genuinely think that within the strategy there is a risk assessment on the impact of a relegation on that strategy. It may be "terminal" in which case GP is under a lot of pressure, but I honestly doubt it is. Its no good talking long-term if you can't absorb short-term difficulties.
The Top 10 thing will be helping everyone in the Club right now, especially during the difficult moments.
Well said.
Falls on deaf ears for many here unfortunately.