Ear wax/gunk whenever I have had a leaky ear from an infection, try it next time you have one, much worse than poo! Funny how the human
body can produce so many foul smells in various ways.
Many years ago I was working at an embassy in Washington DC and had to take a van full of old confidential waste to be incinerated at the DC incinerator. I had to go inside to a viewing platform
and watch it being picked up and put in the furnace. Imagine a huge metal hangar with an entire cities' waste piling up and rotting in August temperatures. Never smelt anything like it.
Many years ago I had a temporary job at the Lewes Council bin depot up the Broyle in Ringmer. For a few weeks as part of the job I was the assistant to a bloke who drove one of the tankers which emptied septic tanks. Your ordinary bog standard (sorry about the pun) domestic tanks, fine. But the stench from the waste tanks at the Abbatoire in Bishops Lane, Ringmer. Unbelievable. I couldn't get within 10 yards of it. The driver had been doing it for years though and was quite hardened to it. He bent over the open manhole to check it was sucking up well! No idea how he managed it!