Bold Seagull
strong and stable with me, or...
Heartbreaking that this beautiful building may well be lost...

Totally this. Visited it four times while living in India and accompanying guests. It was still jaw dropping every single time.
Anybody know this one?
Anybody know this one?
The Taj Mahal is the most breathtaking building I've ever seen. If you've only seen photos, it's hard to appreciate all the tiny intricate details set into the marble. It is an absolute wonder, at any time of day. The entire day we were there, every time I turned away, when I turned back and glimpsed it again, I was still blown away, every single time.
I'd also vote for the temples at Angkor in Cambodia. Like the Taj Mahal, they look impressive enough in pictures, but when you see them close up, every square inch is carved with incredible detail: animals, warriors, battles, gods and so on. It's insane that they were able to do such things without the sort of tools or mechanisation modern man would use.
The pyramids were built thousands of years ago, no arguably about it. Also their technology was way inferior to what we have now.
There's always one.
Totally this. Visited it four times while living in India and accompanying guests. It was still jaw dropping every single time.
I still have a similar regard for Canterbury Cathedral now I come to think of it. It has the power to overcome the curmudgeonly atheist in me.
Photoshop, surely. And it looks horrible IMO.