Not a fan of the pooch in the pub, if I'm honest.
Post Brighton Marathon, my running buddies and I ducked into The Southern Belle for some swift rehydration before the walk back to the AirBNB. The visit was well and truly bumfuzzled by a six footer of a hound. Into everybody's face, bags, crotch, licking everyone and everything, straining at its lead and scratching the shit out of the wooden flooring. The owner smiled benignly and uttered the old mantra "Oh, he's just being friendly". Patrons' eyeballs rolling everywhere, there were.
Although it would probably by a bit ripe of me to complain about the smell in my post marathon unsavouriness. We did duck outside to imbibe though.

Post Brighton Marathon, my running buddies and I ducked into The Southern Belle for some swift rehydration before the walk back to the AirBNB. The visit was well and truly bumfuzzled by a six footer of a hound. Into everybody's face, bags, crotch, licking everyone and everything, straining at its lead and scratching the shit out of the wooden flooring. The owner smiled benignly and uttered the old mantra "Oh, he's just being friendly". Patrons' eyeballs rolling everywhere, there were.
Although it would probably by a bit ripe of me to complain about the smell in my post marathon unsavouriness. We did duck outside to imbibe though.