I don't feel as though I know enough about Vietnam as I should do so thanks for this - I'll make sure I catch up with this.
The latest episode I saw, highlighted Clinton and Bush dodging the draft because of their wealth.
I'm guessing the series was made before Trump came to power, as he was also guilty of using his father's wealth. (Whereas Cassius Clay was being threatened with a Jail term).
When I was a kid, I saw the film Green Berets. Years later..75.. im on HMS Lowestoft and we get a signal to to proceed to Da Nang for the evacuation. Never thought I would end up there during the crap. Was landing party and boarding party. My biggest thought was, how do I explain to a NVA or Vietcong fighter that, although I look American, there are significant differences in our uniform. Before they blew my brains out. Thankfully, they decided agains their plan of leaving me and a couple of Marines in the dock yard for the radio whilst they came in, took up people fleeing, and taking them out to the big ships in the bay.
Met an ex RAF guy at American Express who told me it was him that sent the signal. Small world.
Our government has always denied any involvement in the Vietnam conflict. I didn't realise that elements of the Royal Navy was tasked with anything like this. Must have been tough.
Ive only seen it referenced in one book about the history of the war, and they managed to spell the name of our ship wrong. We ended up mainly boarding ships that had thousands of people on them. We then travelled down to Qhui Nhon, but there was just smoke rising from the place. It didnt end. we then went down to the jungle coast of Cambodia during the beginning of the killing fields time. Found that scarier as we were close the the coast, and all I could see was jungle. Our helo went in and out to the capital for reasons I never found out...with laughably, a big white ensign hanging beneath it, as though the Khymer Rouge fighters who had been fighting in the jungle for years had been on flag recognition classes..a point I made to the pilot that he didnt particularly appreciate.
Yep agree an brilliant series...1968 not a great year!!!
Quality. It would be nice if Trump would sit down and watch it.
Our government has always denied any involvement in the Vietnam conflict. I didn't realise that elements of the Royal Navy was tasked with anything like this. Must have been tough.
Yep agree an brilliant series...1968 not a great year!!!
Yep, great series, I never really knew how it started. You would have thought that after the Nazi occupation of France that the French would have been against their own occupation of Vietnam and given it back to them.
Au contraire - there was one event that made 1968 a very special year.
Quality. It would be nice if Trump would sit down and watch it.
Was that the birth year of the Albion's greatest fan?
The duplicity of Nixon to destabilise a peace process simply to get elected – and we thought Watergate was bad enough. I wonder if any other Republican presidents made similar dirty deals with foreign powers?
First 2 episodes expire from BBC iPlayer tomorrow at 10pm.
This is an incredible 10 episode documentary exploring every facet of Vietnam from the French colonial occupation through to 1973 and beyond. 10 years in the making, it is well worth a watch if you haven't already. From the very personal to the larger political motivations, it is a superbly balanced and engrossing bit of film making.