I would love to share my evidence, but last time I posted some clear evidence at least one NSK member was linking himself to hooliganism the thread was moved and I received an infraction.
exactly the opposite of what they are trying to achieve.
Today there were fans divided blokes singing retro songs, blokes singing 'usual' songs, and goons singing the new drivel.
It re-inforced how split the fans have become. One of the good things about Gillingham/early Withdean days was that few goony kids went. In the later years, it because easier to get tickets, and all the retards started going. Now, they are at the teenage age when they can start chants with their few mates and think it's funny/good, like their magiko bollocks.
You know, I know it, everyone knows it. The rubbish north stand/palace song has divided everyone. The rest of the crap they sing does the same. The atmosphere today was woeful largely because the NSKunts don't approve of singing something that isn't foreign, complicated and crap.
Away games used to be much more fun when everyone stuck to singing the same thing loudly, regardless of whether the ultra goons like it. Our away fans these days? One of the worst in the league, and a lot of it is their fault. Expect Amex atmosphere to go the same way and be as quiet at St Andrews was today if they keep on singing the same drivel.
There is an element of truth in this from yesterday. From where I was sat the atmosphere was obviously stifled because two sets of fans were trying to start chants and seldom did the whole end join in.
Don't appreciate the personal attack tho from RRH on the NSK, many of whom I know and are a top group who just want to create a bit of noise and vibe at games, but they (NSK) have to apreciate that in order to get everyone to join in their songs shouldnt preclude anyone else from starting chants and they need to learn to embrace and join in others chants and maybe then these other groups will join in with theirs, because without this they are actually in a way damaging the atmosphere they crave by splitting the crowd in factions.
There is an element of truth in this from yesterday. From where I was sat the atmosphere was obviously stifled because two sets of fans were trying to start chants and seldom did the whole end join in.
Don't appreciate the personal attack tho from RRH on the NSK, many of whom I know and are a top group who just want to create a bit of noise and vibe at games, but they (NSK) have to apreciate that in order to get everyone to join in their songs shouldnt preclude anyone else from starting chants and they need to learn to embrace and join in others chants and maybe then these other groups will join in with theirs, because without this they are actually in a way damaging the atmosphere they crave by splitting the crowd in factions.
Because of course we don't join in with anyone else's chants. I mean really, do you think we have all agreed a set of songs we will and won't sing? That we won't sing a song that was started by someone who is not in our group? I joined in with every chant/song I heard all match as did all my friends around me, bar the slapper in the white bit at the end.
The real reasons Brighton fans always seem to be split in to two or three groups at away days (and at home for that matter) is that modern stadiums force this to happen, we can't all congregate right next to each other like on a terrace so the vocal support is spread right across the back of a stand. It is difficult to hear what other people are singing if they are twenty metres to the side of you. The only solution I can see to this problem of several sets of singers is for all fans to stick to their songs for longer (ie more than two verses), allowing everyone to join in.
Of course there isn't a blocked/banned list. We just need to listen out for others a bit more.
As an example there was a group for vast periods of the second half trying to get a "Gus Poyet's Blue & White Army!" chant going, they sang it continually for long periods, and their volume not insignificant just not sung by NSK and so only sung by the left half the crowd, maybe if NSK had heard/joined in then it may have made it over to the right.
True, but we just didn't hear it. The sound does not travel along the back of the stand, especially if it is with a concrete ceiling absorbing the noise.
This may not be popular but I think the idea of Ultra is naff, very spotty Nigel, hence palace have them. However I expect I'm just getting old and looking at the teenagers and cringing in the same way that I expect the adults looked and probably cringed at my generation.
I would love to share my evidence, but last time I posted some clear evidence at least one NSK member was linking himself to hooliganism the thread was moved and I received an infraction.
Don't really care about the NSK one way or the other. They really shouldn't use the term 'Ultras' though, it makes them a bit of a laughing stock.
Richrd Reynolds Haircut, Keyser Soze and Champage Charles on the way home after a night out at MacDonalds