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The tories steal a march on Labour/Caplin


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2004
The Large One said:
Hmmm, good to see the Hitler Youth alive and kicking. Send Leon home, should we? At least under Labour we have jobs.

You ignorant twat...just because I complain about tax and the benefit system, you call me a racist...typical anyone who voices opinions about the state of this country is put down as a racist so you can win your shit arguments.

Grow up.

The Large One

Who's Next?
Jul 7, 2003
No, you were talking about migrant workers and blaming women who have babies like they are not decent hard-working people. That's the easiest targets which only the biggest cowards aim for. Some people who don't have an opportunity to climb the economic ladder because of a variety of reason, including economic hardship, poor education.

I would HAPPILY pay more tax if it meant better transport, education, housing and quality of life. Of course, if you don't want to pay for it, that's your look out. But I think you follow Thatcher's line when she said "there is no such thing as society."

And YOU want ME to grow up...?


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2004
You are so blinkered with your PC ways.

I was talking about the thousands of economic migrants (yes there are some they are not all being persecuted). And the mothers who pump out kids like they are going out of fashion and just spounge of the state. I am not anti mothers I have 2 kids of my own.

With regards to paying more tax, I pay enough as it is. Perhaps if so much wasn't waisted by local and central goverment, we could have decent education, transport and health etc without being robbed blind for it.

I suggest you don't go around calling people a coward and a racist just because they don't agree with you.

Get a grip there are lots of naughty people that don't like work in your shinny fairytale world.
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Prettyboyshaw said:
You are so blinkered with your PC ways.

I was talking about the thousands of economic migrants (yes there are some they are not all being persecuted). And the mothers who pump out kids like they are going out of fashion and just spounge of the state. I am not anti mothers I have 2 kids of my own.

With regards to paying more tax, I pay enough as it is. Perhaps if so much wasn't waisted by local and central goverment, we could have decent education, transport and health etc without being robbed blind for it.

I suggest you don't go around calling people a coward and a racist just because they don't agree with you.

Get a grip there are lots of naughty people that don't like work in your shinny fairytale world.

Enough here to prove that we do indeed need to pay more tax in order to improve the education system.


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2004
Life After Bobby said:
Enough here to prove that we do indeed need to pay more tax in order to improve the education system.

If you would like to comment of the points I have made, feel free....if you just want to make out Im ill educated because you don't have the same views...f*** off.

The Large One

Who's Next?
Jul 7, 2003
Temper, temper. Telling people to f*** off was never going to win an argument. :rolleyes:

Never understood the phrase 'PC'. If it means trying not to persecute people for living as best they can, I guess I have a 'PC' attitude. But I also scream untold abuse at referees on Saturdays, so I guess I am either confused or a hypocrite. :nono:

I don't think you will find that the number of mothers 'spounging' off the state is enough to warrant the wholesale abuse administered by some quarters. I actually though that motherhood was the toughest job in the world. (I can't comment, I am not a mother).

As for migrant workers, I think it was Norman Tebbit (one of your heroes) who told us to get on our bikes and look for work. Our course, if you are talking about foreign workers, well, this country does have a MASSIVE skills shortage at present...


Jul 7, 2003
The Large One said:
Hmmm, good to see the Hitler Youth alive and kicking. Send Leon home, should we? .

why does everyone who disagrees with you have to be some kind of nazi?
your arguements are limited and trite.

At least under Labour we have jobs

this is a total misunderstanding of the economic system. Raising Taxes to create public sector jobs stifles private sector job creation untill you reach the point where their are no net private sector job increases and the resulting tax loss starts eroding public sector jobs.

Public sector relationship with the private sector is a parasitic one.

I dont think Brown has gone to far yet but these factors take years to filter through.


Jul 7, 2003
The Large One said:

As for migrant workers, I think it was Norman Tebbit (one of your heroes) who told us to get on our bikes and look for work. Our course, if you are talking about foreign workers, well, this country does have a MASSIVE skills shortage at present...

also has over a million "official" unemployed, why not train them?

Never understood the phrase 'PC'. If it means trying not to persecute people for living as best they can, I guess I have a 'PC' attitude.

PC has evolved to mean various things, in your case intolerance of veiws that do not conform to a certain Leftist dichotomy.

Facism is another term for it.


Jul 7, 2003
The Large One said:
So I am fascist for not damning migrant workers and mothers? And I would never consider myself PC. You might. I wouldn't.

No you have facist tendencies for abusing anyone who posts an opinion different from an open door policy(which as it is, is an exstreme stance, the opposite being a shut door policy), Totolitarians who wish to stiffle arguements quickley attack the individual rather than the issue they are discussing.

Maybe you dont beleive in an open door policy? Maybe the problem is that to may people on that exstreme assume everyone is on the other exstreme, and all the other veiws get brushed aside .

Maybe the arguement should be for clarity and more detailed arguements?

The Large One

Who's Next?
Jul 7, 2003
Who did I abuse? Where was the direct attack on the individual? Who have I told to shut up?

Prettyboyshaw's initial statement attacked some of the under-privileged and under-achievers in our society. The Hitler Youth jibe from me was clearly sarcasm. He didn't really clarify his situation aside from calling people twats and telling them to f*** off. And he labelled me (though not directly) one of the mad people. I certainly didn't put statements like that out. And I have tried to stifle no-one.

I don't have extreme views. You just assume I do. I believe that I have put out (relatively) coherent arguments.

I would happily debate a point, and your comment on increasing public sector work at the expense of the private has some validity. I agree that Brown has yet to hit the imbalance of public v private employment. And let's hope he doesn't.

My point about 'under Labour we have jobs', I expand it to the point that we have a relatively stable economy encouraging entrepreneurs and small business. We have a created OPPORTUNITY for employment. It's just I do believe that we need a huge amount of investment on public services, but so many are in such disarray, that we never be able to afford it - especially a public transport system.

I don't believe we have an economy which encourages investment from overseas, because for one, as we now have a minimum wage (which I think in the broad sense is a good thing), our labour force is now no longer to compete on such a level as, say, South Esat Asian countries. But isn't that a damning indictment of the previous government that once we were able to compete?

But arguing against the persecution of migrant workers and mothers is hardly censorship.
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Keith B Wetherill

New member
Oct 6, 2003
I have never believed in Caplin,I think he is just a hanger-on at our club, he could have negated that view at any time by indicating his positive support on the Falmer plans, I don't subscribe to the view that Conservatives would have done better than Prescott but I do belive they would have been more honest and made a decision quicker whether it was for or against.
Prescott is a Muppet ..the ultimate over promoted steward.
The problem we face is the club's'where with all' to mount a campaign to get plan B up and running if Prescott says no.
Just look how long the extra seats have taken..We missed the 1st division season,we missed the championship season,we missed this season.. I'm betting it doesn't happen in August either.

I love this club and have supported since 1948 why doesn't somebody have the balls to tell Prescott to get his act together.:flameboun


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2004
The Large One

If you go around accusing people of being racists cowards just becuase they disagree with you, you should expect others to make assumptions about you...I have!

And stop quoting what I said as anti everyone...I will make it clear again, I was talking about economic migrants and mothers that by the age of 17 have 3 kids and no intention of ever getting a job.

Nobody in the country can have an opinion that differs from the left without being classed as being in the BNP...that is really a democratic attitude!


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2004
The Large One said:
Sorry, PBS, but attacking the people with little or no voice or power is, in my opnion, cowardly.

:nono: I don't know why I got in to this debate with you as you are totally blinkered. You think that everyone is a hard working decent citizen in your magic world full of fairys, glitter and candy floss trees.

As I said before get a grip, wake up and you may just notice that in the real world there are thousands of parasites taking the piss out of normal everyday hard working people. (Please take not I did not say all imigrants or mothers before you report me for being the grand wizard of the KKK!).


"the man's an arse"
Jul 7, 2003
The Large One said:
Sorry, PBS, but attacking the people with little or no voice or power is, in my opnion, cowardly.

I think you'll find that very young mothers who have 3 kids and expect the state to pay for it for the next 30 years while having no intention of ever working themselves because they lack any idea of social responsibility have as much voice or power as I do. i.e. at the ballot box.

Only a very few wield any sort of real power in this country when acting in relative isolation.

Keith B Wetherill said:
I have never believed in Caplin,I think he is just a hanger-on at our club, he could have negated that view at any time by indicating his positive support on the Falmer plans, I don't subscribe to the view that Conservatives would have done better than Prescott but I do belive they would have been more honest and made a decision quicker whether it was for or against.
Prescott is a Muppet ..the ultimate over promoted steward.
The problem we face is the club's'where with all' to mount a campaign to get plan B up and running if Prescott says no.
Just look how long the extra seats have taken..We missed the 1st division season,we missed the championship season,we missed this season.. I'm betting it doesn't happen in August either.

I love this club and have supported since 1948 why doesn't somebody have the balls to tell Prescott to get his act together.:flameboun


Just for once


We are all telling "Prescott to get his act together" and that includes Caplin. However, at the moment we have no leverage over the process - it is completely out of our hands and we are just going to have to sit and wait for the ODPM to open its big fat mouth and say Yes or No. And they can take as long as they like over it

If anyone doubts that Ivor Caplin has raised the profile of the Albion at Westminster, just read this extract from Hansard.

It's dated 10 February 2004 and is a transcript of the debate in the Standing Committee on the Armed Forces (Pensions and Compensation) Bill.

Ivor is the minister responsible for steering the Bill through Parliament.

Mr. Howarth (MP for Aldershot): The hon. Member for Portsmouth, North (Syd Rapson) and I were in Iraq last July, as was the hon. Member for Hereford. If one is to cope with those conditions, one must be fit not only to fight, but to cope with the very different climate. Members of the armed forces are therefore required to maintain fitness. Again, that is not the case for us. We are not required to play football, although judging by the way Brighton and Hove Albion are going, perhaps they will enlist the Minister to join their team and sharpen it up a bit, even though he will have to be a bit fitter before he does so. None the less, there is a strong culture in the armed forces of playing sport. If one plays sport, and particularly contact sport, the risk of injury increases.

Mr. Keetch (MP for Hereford): I do not want to comment on Brighton and Hove Albion; they relegated Hereford from the league two days after the Minister and I were elected.

:clap: :clap: :clap:
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