No, that wasn't the intention, but it was a by product of an ill thought out policy. These people were told they were British. They didn't take out British citizenship because they didn't need to, but the act of Parliament in 2014, meant their status as citizens were removed. They didn't have British birth certificates. so they couldn't get a biometric document which later immigrants could. It was a complete oversight.
Combine that with over officious civil servants who then insist on documents of proof which were unavailble due to the length of time elapsed.
Some were told they could pay £229 to take out British citizenship, which Amber Rudd has announced just this afternoon, isn't necessary, but there have been cases where people are already deported, refused cancer treatment and lost their jobs because they didn't have any rights due to the mess up in the Home Office. The statement in the HoC today has already produced an apology to some of them.
Let’s just hope those who have been hit by this diabolical mess are suitably compensated. And I pray the person refused cancer treatment can still be compensated.