Brisk walk over Seaford Head at 6 this morning, then Marmite on toast and mug of tea. Golly me, I'm hungry
Free Range Quayle Eggs on rosemary and rock salt focaccia with spinach and
edamame bean hash and followed by a Greek natural yoghurt & Manukau Honey smoothie.
Obviously washed down with Tea pigs Green tea and fresh this morning goats milk.
Free Range Quayle Eggs on rosemary and rock salt focaccia with spinach and
edamame bean hash and followed by a Greek natural yoghurt & Manukau Honey smoothie.
Obviously washed down with Tea pigs Green tea and fresh this morning goats milk.
Dan Qualye lays eggs?
This is turning into
One of the servants pop down and pick them for you whilst the other ground the coffee beans![]()
45 minute Spin class followed by an hours H.I.T. class! Gonna chill for the rest of the day.