I changed this.
- Jul 28, 2011
- 13,529
I loathe The Sun, wouldn't wipe my arse with it, and the crocodile tears apologies they've given to Liverpool are shown to be hollow by the continued employment of Mackenzie at a £300k a year columnist. The timing and content of his article shows the contempt both parties have for Liverpool.
Joe Anderson, the Liverpool mayor who reported the comments to the police, is an opportunist politician (like most of them). His decision for the local council to act as guarantor for Everton's borrowing in relation to their proposed new £300 million stadium is unusual (Joe is however a big Everton fan).
Personally I wouldn't ban Sun journalists from the club, if such a decision was going to be made it should have taken place 28 years ago. This smacks of a PR move made under political pressure.
As for Barkley, he's a professional footballer and should be judged on that skill set rather than his academic ability.
After all, we don't judge Kelvin Mackenzie on his football talents, but as a fat 70 year old bigot who shagged his secretary and wrote some appalling lies about the Hillsbrough disaster.
He had his glory days, sticking it to the left in th 80s, helped break the printing unions bullying tactics.
That's a pretty dangerous view in itself as it allows people to be condemned purely on the basis of accusation. No evidence required and an ever changing perception of what it is that is racist. It is the stuff of witch hunts and leads to resentment against the establishment leading the way. This then gives us Donald Trump and so the cycle continues.
FWIW though, in this case, I do think Mackenzie's article was racist and unpleasant. There's no 'hidden racism' in comparing someone to a gorilla.
How on earth you've got from a to b is beyond me, but then again, I do hold dangerous views in your opinion.
You consider that glorious do you? Or do you just not understand the English language?