Doesn`t embarrass me at all,I think my point came across ok.......whether it be 10% pay 90% or 25% pay 75% my point was understood I`m sure by most..
I got the gist of it.
Doesn`t embarrass me at all,I think my point came across ok.......whether it be 10% pay 90% or 25% pay 75% my point was understood I`m sure by most..
austerity is all well and good if it applies across all sections of society. You can bet your bottom dollar that the super rich are not having to tighten their belts. As an example of this sales of Superyachts have been rising steadily year on year not affected in the slightest by the GFC, recession or austerity.
Coming from a man who thinks cancer charity work is all just PC nonsense, it's hardly surprising you're so HUGELY patronising of others and their opinions when they differ to your own.
Nothing could make me want to support the protests more than this kind of arrogant sneering, so thanks, I'll be looking in to them a little.
I got the gist of it.
We all got the gist of it. Top earners pay loads of tax. Or are supposed to. They don't in practice but like made up figures, let's not these silly little facts get in the way of a good, ill informed, right wing agenda. Just make it up?? It's entry level stuff this, you'd get laughed out of any debate in the land for making numbers up and passing it off as fact. And rightly so.
Heavens to bloody Murgatroyde. It's like debating with The Krankies.
I got the gist of this as well. "you'd get laughed out of any debate in the land", so that is fact as well eh, or are you just "making up the numbers".
Well yeah. It is fact. Would you take a newspaper article seriously or a news report if it just made up it's stats and figures. I would have though that would be obvio... Oh wait, I just saw which poster you are. Maybe not that obvious.
true, apart from the >50 contribution from the top earners. /QUOTE]
Can't say I am that convinced that this gets paid. Do Amazon, apple, starbucks et al pay their 50%?
Corporation tax isnt 50%. Rates are on the HRMC site
We are being forced to pay, out of our own pockets, out of the mouths of our children, FORCED to pay for criminal activity by bankers and total incompetence by successive governments. It's theft. They are literally stealing from us. If someone doesn't think that is worth protesting about then they deserve to have it stolen.
Top earners pay loads of tax. Or are supposed to. They don't in practice .
A "news report" is not " any debate in the land" is it. I think a debate is similar to Question Time is it not. Do the panelists not sometimes use "made up stats and figures". Do they get " get laughed out of any debate in the land for making numbers up and passing it off as fact"?
Perhaps that it not "obvious" to you actually, when you "make up the numbers" and trade them as fact.
Classic generalistion with the pretence of being fact by those with an agenda to push
The fact that there are billions of pounds of unpaid tax is a big clue.
The fact that there are billions of pounds of unpaid tax is a big clue.
Is that a fact or guesstimate?
"Top earners pay loads in tax but dont" was your statement. Wrong. Fail. Some, yes, all no. and there are those who should pay basic tax but dont, some but not all.
Are you on glue? Of course they would be booed and laughed at if it was revealed at the time they had made up a so called fact. I genuinely think you're a bit simple. All the very best.
We all got the gist of it. Top earners pay loads of tax. Or are supposed to. They don't in practice but like made up figures, let's not these silly little facts get in the way of a good, ill informed, right wing agenda. Just make it up?? It's entry level stuff this, you'd get laughed out of any debate in the land for making numbers up and passing it off as fact. And rightly so.
Heavens to bloody Murgatroyde. It's like debating with The Krankies.
Well a little better insult than "idiot" and "****tard" and other insults you put up when you do not agree with an opinion. I tend to think your difference of opinion might carry more weight if you could actually address the points instead of insulting when you do not agree.
That to me is quite "simple" in my opinion.
Maybe your backpacking around the globe might make you open your eyes, i can just see you bleating and insulting those that would only dream of having as much as most do in this country.
Make sure you join up with the students, who have paid no tax but are the authority on austerity.