And no doubt with charity status for their enormous efforts towards 'conservation'.This is the issue. Let’s stick with it.
And this - Peers renowned in fox-hunting circles, stalling and filibustering out a Bill that would ban imports of trophy hunting into the UK - Anyone who thinks this isn’t the landed gentry of the UK protecting their private and commercial interests in hunting should think again:
“The core group of filibusters represent the UK hunting fraternity. Chief among them and the de facto leader of those opposed to the Bill is Lord Mancroft who resisted the fox hunting legislation a few years ago. While most are not trophy hunters themselves they do represent the overall industry. Also it is no secret there is a lot of funding from the hunting industry. The pro-hunting Peers have been actively lobbied especially from ‘scientists’ with known financial affiliations with the hunting industry.”
Many of these Peers in the HoL own vast Grouse-shooting estates shored up by millions of pounds from British taxpayers or private land upon which they make money from hunting. The majority of Peers traditionally vote against the abolition of hunting with dogs or the ban of trail hunting and carry out illegal hunting on privates estates where it is difficult to get access.
Fox hunting is barbaric, cruel and should be banned for good, not amend Hunting Bill - Horse & Hound
The House of Lords voted a series of amendments that turn the hunt ban into a licensing system when the Hunting Bill reached its committee stage
Disgraced out of fox hunting? Back trophy hunting instead.
Lord Mancroft led a group of peers trying to scupper the trophy hunting
(Would you like me to hand you your sportsman's gun, King Charles?)