Well, not quite, but Channel 4 in a couple of minutes...
"Documentary following eight volunteers working with the Ann Summers company to create a new vibrator. The contributors, including a 69-year-old grandmother, a twentysomething virgin and a middle-aged divorcee who has never achieved an orgasm, test existing products on the market and find inspiration in their kitchen cupboards for their dream sex toy, hoping the retailer can get it onto shop shelves in time for Valentine's Day."
"Documentary following eight volunteers working with the Ann Summers company to create a new vibrator. The contributors, including a 69-year-old grandmother, a twentysomething virgin and a middle-aged divorcee who has never achieved an orgasm, test existing products on the market and find inspiration in their kitchen cupboards for their dream sex toy, hoping the retailer can get it onto shop shelves in time for Valentine's Day."