Staring at the rude boys
Worth mentioning amongst all this that Johnson tried to put a stooge in as head of the ISC
Chris Grayling. Recently described as a man "so incompetent that only he could lose a rigged election"
Worth mentioning amongst all this that Johnson tried to put a stooge in as head of the ISC
Disappointing read for the many people on here hoping for a smoking gun ..
No smoking gun if you don't look for one.
Gotta laugh, the Tories accusing Corbyn of being a Russian spy while stuffing thousand of pounds of dirty money, stolen from the Russian people, into their own accounts.
The problem is it was being reported in the media that the Tories were taking dirty Russian money for several years, it's just the majority of our electorate choose not to spend their time informing themselves about the true nature of the people who stand for office.
Most people would rather vote for that bloke who's a bit of a c*n*, occasionally funny and loves Britain so much he'd hang from a zipwire waving a Union Flag, rather than the other one that supported the IRA, hates the Queen and will tax you into oblivion.
No-one was expecting a 'smoking gun', let alone hoping for one. Those who were expecting one didn't know what they were on about, which I suspect also includes you.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, your casual dismissal of the UK refusing to investigate Russia's clear collusion in the EU Referendum says more about your attitude to democracy, the rule of law and your warped sense of patriotism than it does about the report. It shows that you've accepted - and worse, approve of - the various individuals' collective treason.
Funny isn’t it. Those most in favour of the Brexit project love to speak about British sovereignty – yet fall remarkably silent when presented with concrete evidence of foreign interference in our democracy.
Funny isn’t it. Those most in favour of the Brexit project love to speak about British sovereignty – yet fall remarkably silent when presented with concrete evidence of foreign interference in our democracy.
Isnt it equally funny that people against Brexit now have issues with foreign influence?
Really?Are you really attempting to equate the EU to Russian Interference?
Isnt it equally funny that people against Brexit now have issues with foreign influence?
Isnt it equally funny that people against Brexit now have issues with foreign influence?
Isnt it equally funny that people against Brexit now have issues with foreign influence?