Halbpro. Indeed, it only takes a few moments to look into the Crown Estates and realise that the Monarchy are VERY good value for money, despite what myself or other individuals may think about them. The tourist draw alone is significant.
Of course, whether they should legally own the Crown Estates anyway is another matter.
I for one think the Monarchy are fantastic for this country and cost absolutely nothing compared to all the other myriad things going wrong in this country. Jesus how much tax did we lose out on when HRMC 'did a deal' with Starbucks for some derisory amount. NOTHING in the public sector is particularly good value for money!
The issue of whether or not they should own the Crown Estates very quickly edges towards "All property is theft" territory, which I doubt many would be that happy with. I mean what give anyone to own the land under their house etc...
Absolutely agree on tourism, although it's trickier to put a concrete figure on and even harder to predict how things would pan out if the Royals were no longer a part of things. Judging by American interest though it does seem they love a lot of it, rather strangely when you look at history, and I'd imagine that their tourist contribution would decrease if the monarchy was done away with.