Lord Bracknell
On fire
The police choose not to.Why are the argus allowed to name them but the police not.
The police choose not to.Why are the argus allowed to name them but the police not.
Personally I think its wrong that these players have been named. As far as I am concerned they are all innocent - until proven otherwise.
The thing with the Argus printing stuff like this, is that people reading it will have made their own minds up. Not good for the players, their family and their friends.
If the players are subsequently cleared, I wonder if the Argus will do a similar front page splash with a apology. I doubt it. The Argus reached a very very low mark today and I hope that the club treats them accordingly.
In cases like this, players should be given anonymity much as the alleged victim has.
They should be legally obliged to give as much column inches to apologies as accusations/sensationalism on exactly the same page numbers. Not just three lines at the bottom of page 37 or such like. Maybe they would then think twice about misreporting and blowing things out of proportion. Await a verdict then report factually.
They should be legally obliged to give as much column inches to apologies as accusations/sensationalism on exactly the same page numbers. Not just three lines at the bottom of page 37 or such like. Maybe they would then think twice about misreporting and blowing things out of proportion. Await a verdict then report factually.
Why was he not at home resting his leg?
I'm a STH and I don't want to see MY money being wasted on injured players going out on the lash.
Sort it out Bloom.
Trouble is that once one outlet gives names then they all rush in. They can then say "as reported in the media" like they're saying "we're just saying what others have said."
The media are such low lifes. If one of my kids said they wanted to be a journalist then I'd suggest they'd be better off being a piano player in a whorehouse as they'd get more respect there. I'm not say all journos are bad, but the general quality of journalism in this country has fallen to such a low standard. It's all tittle tattle, sensationalism - truth is irrelevant now.
Exactly what did they print that was factually wrong? Just because you and a few others don't like the size of the headlines, I don't think there were any lies printed. As much as I don't like this happening and involving my club, some people are being a bit too precious about it.
And IF they are found guilty, get rid.
Not necessarily this article alone, but it does seem a little unfair to anybody who has their private life splashed around the tabloids, based on being arrested or not, for something they may or may not have done. If guilty, of the said offence/s then so be it. But at least give the same amount of coverage when the accused is found not guilty of the said offence/s or it has been mis-reported. But of course that does not sell newspapers, does it. Thats All Folks!
If Guilty THEN by all means throw the book at 'em.
Please grow up
Why was he not at home resting his leg?
I'm a STH and I don't want to see MY money being wasted on injured players going out on the lash.
Sort it out Bloom.
eh?, who's been out on the lash?