The Large One
Who's Next?
Polite question, are you personally affected by the Lewes Road congestion cos you seem to have a Large opinion on it.
Polite answer - yes.
Polite question, are you personally affected by the Lewes Road congestion cos you seem to have a Large opinion on it.
As an outsider, I won't comment on the merits (or otherwise) of the scheme itself, but you have hit the nail on the head for me. I cannot understand the opposition (especially from the Greens as I understand it) to a proper park and ride scheme. Other cities, most notably Norwich, Oxford and York, have well thought out schemes, and therefore are far less traffic plagued in their centres. I was in Oxford the other week, and though the High Street is still a bit of a pain, the lack of traffic, along with the beautiful architecture, makes the place a joy to be in. There are four park and rides, one for each major entry point into the city - I regularly used to use the Peartree one (junction of A34/A44) when coming in to shop for books as a student at Buckingham. I know that might not be practical in Brighton, but extra P&Rs say at Shoreham and next to the Amex could make a major difference.
From my own point of view, if I want to go to Brighton when I am in Sussex, I have two options: train from Three Bridges (expensive) or from Haywards Heath (now a complete pain to park, as the previous 4-hour parking spaces are now down to 2 hours), or driving to the Withdean P&R and taking the dreadful Number 27, which winds its way round Westdene before going down Dyke Road or the 5 buses (I know about them from our Withdean days, but others may not). These are both very poor value for money in my view if just on a journey in and out of town - yes I know they're fine if you're making several journeys. For me, it would be far more convenient to drive to the Amex and get a bus into town from there. Therefore, if I need shopping which is unavailable in East Grinstead, I usually go to Tunbridge Wells, which has plentiful and reasonably priced parking.
I'm not generalising. I only started driving late in life and was quite shocked by how impatient and agressive pretty much every driver on the road is. Maybe if you have been weened on driving from the age of 17 this behaviour is normal to you?
And why be so impatient? If this is an issue for you leave earlier, it's not difficult.
No one gives a flying **** over here about such minor issues.
All right, if you're insisting that almost every one of Britain's 35m drivers is impatient and aggressive I give up. Have a nice evening.
One such "minor issue" as you refer to it left a poor sod with a broken neck in hove today, i don't think he will be referring to it as a minor issue as it with have a effect on him for the rest of his life.
Could you drive to Lewes and use that as an effective P&R?
Similarly, while successive council administrations down the years (not just the Greens - it's been all of them) for both Brighton and Hove - before and after they joined together - have not come to terms with a suitable P&R site, comparing Brighton to say, Oxford or Norwich is a little unfair, as the centre of Brighton is also the edge of Brighton. You don't get 360º access to the city.
However, that in itself doesn't explain why we have not had a P&R site identified and built.
What happened?
One such "minor issue" as you refer to it left a poor sod with a broken neck in hove today, i don't think he will be referring to it as a minor issue as it with have a effect on him for the rest of his life.
Perhaps we could have a Park & Sail at Shoreham and Newhaven and come in by boat, dropping off at the pier or West St.
I have not met every single UK driver but from the ones that I have I insist they are generally impatient and aggresive. You allow a safe distance behind the car in fron and some goon will nip into it. You drive at the correct speed and some moron will drive up close behind and flash you. They're always ****ing beeping their horns, gesticulating at other drivers and moaning about everything under the sun. Everyone else is at fault. Prove me wrong if you can.
Were you being serious? You say that, but in Dr Anthony Seldon's book on the Past, Present and Future of Brighton & Hove, he suggests just that - he called it a Water Taxi service.
There you are then. Many a true word spoken in jest. The residents of Widdicombe Way and Nyetimber Hill would benefit too with calm returning once more to their streets.
Could you drive to Lewes and use that as an effective P&R?
Similarly, while successive council administrations down the years (not just the Greens - it's been all of them) for both Brighton and Hove - before and after they joined together - have not come to terms with a suitable P&R site, comparing Brighton to say, Oxford or Norwich is a little unfair, as the centre of Brighton is also the edge of Brighton. You don't get 360º access to the city.
However, that in itself doesn't explain why we have not had a P&R site identified and built.
As ever, the vast majority of cars, sitting impatiently on Dyke Road, to exit our fair (and unfair) city were single occupants and I am sure that counts for all exit routes.
As soon as we work out how to car share and provide a quick and affordable public transport system, then everyone is going to be a little bit happier.
Believe it or not but driving in America is much, much worse for this.
True. What gets me is that they make car driving more and more onerous without providing viable alternatives. It's rather like the government finding the disabled fit for work and try to drive people off the unemployment register whilst not actually doing anything to help creates the jobs needed for this to happen. What happened to the idea of joined up government. I happily use public transport when I can reasonably but a lot of the time it's just not viable.