yes I get that - was being facetious... but not entirely.
Anonymity on 'social media' seems to give some people a license to be far more aggressive / confrontational / downright rude than they ever would dream of if they were chatting with a stranger or casual acquaintance in a pub. I have chosen to apply that thought when posting on social media... which is why I don't bother engaging on many threads (although \I do read many of them). If someone was being that shouty in a pub, I would steer well clear.
Yep, that’s pretty much my approach too.
To continue the pub analogy, what’s happened here is that the landlord, supported by his bar staff, has decided he doesn’t want quite so many shouty people in his pub because they can spoil the atmosphere for the vast majority of his punters. Being a fair minded chap, he’s decided to give the shouty ones a chance to reform, however unlikely it is that they will do so.