It has absolutely nothing to do with how well the team played because they played well.
It has absolutely nothing to do with fans boo-ing. Because even before the advent of Facebook and Twitter, fans have boo-ed with little justification for it. Since the advent of Facebook and Twitter then everyone has become a media critic and those with short fuses and who are constantly angry at life are the ones who shout loudest. Add to that the fact it was a later kick off so more people would have been drunk by the end of the game. Boos were inevitable. Justified or not.
GP should have just gone with the flow. Journalists always throw questions in to try and get a controversial response. They need fans to engage with what the write nowadays and if that means causing a little mini war between Manager and fans they are more that happy to try and start that war.
Potter should just have said . " It must have been Leeds fans who were boo-ing because we played very well "
He fell for the media