A friend who lives along the road is a funeral director, work has dropped off significantly in the last week or two.
‘’Zero new Covid-19 cases reported over the last 6 days for 21 English local authorities.
Note 1. these are +ve Pillar 1 tests (no locations for Pillar 2); 2. possible cases yet to be reported for some of these dates.
With those caveats, here they are. Is your area on the list?’’
A tweet linked to the UKGOV website
Adur and Worthing are on that list (noted caveat) ...
So if he is worried about lack of numbers in Uk why not head to Brazil// Mexico and do trial there?
I don’t think it’s plausible to send a few hundred/thousand people to the favelas of Brazil to test itThe only option could be to try to deliberately infect healthy individuals with the virus but if the vaccine doesn’t work that could end in a whole world of trouble.
I am not saying send people there
Just vaccinate 10000 locals and see how it goes. Same trial as here but in a highly spreading area.
The ethics committee do not allow deliberate exposure of humans to pathogens.
Just to illustrate the point really, really clearly, here's the pattern in several other European countries which are up to 5 or 6 weeks ahead of us in terms of their lockdown relaxation. This thing is dying out.
View attachment 124025
Absolutely. Just bare in mind with these charts from Worldometer, the Spanish cases for example they include antibodies testing for prior cases in their number they upload, so these numbers are sometimes higher than the actual new cases.
UK hospital deaths continue to stay low, 164 announced U.K. wide today, normally do week on week comparison but last Sunday had a system malfunction so numbers not comparable. Overall trends continue downwards.
The PM just said 118 deaths today, but NHS England said 147 alone.
I have a feeling it could be because of backdating, the NHS England figures had a lot of backdating today so it’s either that or an error, hopefully 118 is right because that’s a strong decline again. It will be clarified later so will update when I see figures.
Public health England removed 53 deaths that were duplicated in the system, bit farcical but 118 is a very low number. Little to no care home deaths are added on Sunday/Monday figures though.