Insel affe
Given that music appreciation and taste are completely subjective I am always a little confused when people feel the need to passionately share their dislike of stuff
I am in a few music appreciation groups online and am staggered by the consistency of people wanting to share their dislike of bands.
It is of course similar on here and for some reason it seems to centre around similar bands. The Beatles, Oasis and Radiohead (pre or post Kid A).
When something is so subjective, what is the point?
Don't like it, don't listen to it. But why get so cross when other people like stuff?
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I’m not cross, I’m baffled why they are so revered.
Oh, and I am well aware my preferred musical genres are not popular and can appreciate and understand why, the trouble is fans of beatles won’t have a bad word said against them, and there is the misnomer that before them, there was nothing, and they were leading lights in modern popular music, no they weren’t, they were a manufactured boy band, well managed, and the music industry including the press bought into that, to sell, sell, sell, safe, safe, safe….
Oh there I go on another rant

Sorry, blame my music teacher…
Today we are going to play, another bloody beatles song, oh deep joy….
I began to realise, the reason we always learnt beatles songs was because there’s nothing to them, there so bloody easy…
Oh I’ve gone again…