Any chance of a small snow shower tonight? Or has the opportunity for snow now gone for the next few weeks?
You want snow ? Welcome to Leek !!
The GFS 18z is very interesting...
Is it going to happen though?
At 384 hours away, it's highly unlikely to occur as per that chart. I'll need to check the imminent Ensemble chart to really know, but the odds are against it. However, it's encouraging to see it appearing in the output at all. It's a step in the right direction.
The ensemble chart doesn't really seem to support it....
Just put this thread to bed for another year. It is a carbon copy of last winter but even milder 3 - 4 months of south westerly's
Just put this thread to bed for another year. It is a carbon copy of last winter but even milder 3 - 4 months of south westerly's
Just put this thread to bed for another year. It is a carbon copy of last winter but even milder 3 - 4 months of south westerly's