North Southwick Weather Station
- 4C 25 F
Wind - 9 mph
Light snow
Snow depth - 22 cm
but you'll get brownie points for making the effortWoohooo looks like I should be able to make my interview after all -
According to the buses website:
"The next service to start will be between Portslade Station and Old Steine, again using a bus fitted with snow chains. This will be starting shortly."
Which is perfect for me.
I just know I will get there and it will be cancelled!
There are some indicators that the mild spell over the weekend might be just that, and cold weather will be the dominant setup all the way up to xmas. I wouldn't hazard a guess either way yet... Mainly because i've abandoned model watching at longe range to enjoy what we have now, rather than viewing the inevitable breakdown and depressing myself!
Just woken up to a see what look like about a foot of snow outside![]()
Since it started snowing, all my girl has done is stood looking through the window..
If it gets any worse, im going to have to let her in.