Surely it should be done in blue, not red?The club needs to follow the middle plan, exactly.
They are very lucky to have such precise architects at their disposal, for free.
Surely it should be done in blue, not red?The club needs to follow the middle plan, exactly.
They are very lucky to have such precise architects at their disposal, for free.
The club needs to follow the middle plan, exactly.
They are very lucky to have such precise architects at their disposal, for free.
But where has the camera gantry been moved to, it would seem the cameraman is now the invisible man
We did add an extra tier!
Adding, say, £5k seats, would increase revenue by around £4m per year. Finishing a couple of places higher in the EPL gives us that revenue anyway.
We could add an extra tier to the existing seating. I literally cannot see why we, or any other ambitious club, haven't done this already.
Do Lego do Stadium Extensions then
I still go with "Monorail"
Wages paid (not transfer fees paid), correlate to League position achieved.
That’s just a fact - sometimes there may be a one off fluke like Leicester but generally you get what you pay for.
And Stadium expansion doesn’t necessarily mean Top 10 finish.
Sunderland Newcastle Villa Leeds Sheffield Wednesday Derby and Middlesbrough all have bigger capacity grounds than us and only two of those are in the Premier League let alone the Top 10. Chelsea would just make the Top 10 if ground size mattered.
Adding, say, £5k seats, would increase revenue by around £4m per year. Finishing a couple of places higher in the EPL gives us that revenue anyway.
So it’s wages paid that dictate League position, and currently TB will have to invest a much higher amount to achieve constantly higher placings.
Completely correct. Whenever Tony Adams is asked about the influence of Arsene Wenger on Arsenal, he says that more important were David Dein and Danny Fiszman in making it possible to pay the big wages.
If we want to be in the top ten, we have to pay top ten money.
Or do it another way, like Ajax.
Ambition to be a top 10 club? More like ambition to win a match in 2020.