ATFC Seagull
Aberystwyth Town FC
Y'know, the one where he's "shopping for a present for his wife" and she comes in and he quickly turns it off and says "hello dear". Are they actually fooling anyone with what its really for?
No, all the browsers have it these days however, microsoft are once again very late to gthe party, i recomend you get chrome if you havnt already
No, all the browsers have it these days however, microsoft are once again very late to gthe party, i recomend you get chrome if you havnt already
The privacy feature.What is it, not seen the ad.
The privacy feature.
If you want something else clever use Flock (made out of the Firefox template)
The privacy feature.
Which we all use for buying flowers and jewellery for our birds, and definitely not for perusing the interweb for PORN.
I'm looking forward to advert for IE9, which has the ability to pipe multiple tissues out of the internet into your laptop via the USB port. Really useful for when you're buying the wife some jewellry in private, and suddenly feel the need to SNEEZE.