Please god.
You are unlikely to persuade me of anything if you start invoking men in the sky

Please god.
Oh yeah you have. All that whataboutery you have spouted in this thread HWT. Calling sportswashing "fake news", berating CP fans for having a banner against it. You might not be defending their actions in Saudi Arabia but you are certainly defending their place in the Premier League.
If people took notice of Hitler and dealt with the issues he was addressing then maybe the war wouldn't have happened. Ignoring him and acting like he was a nobody led to the war. Surely sitting down with the Arabs and saying we believe you are wrong for x y z is the best way to deal with him. The trouble is everyone wants to be a hero but never wants to deal with the issues.
Why is no one asking what influences (if any) they have on our government for them to be talking to the Premier League over the Newcastle takeover.
I take it you're referring to the shady breakaway wing of Amnesty International who go by the name of Ultra People's Front of Selhurst, who dress up as 10 year old ninja warriors?
I recommend they use a bit more ninja.
Wrong again. You might persuade me to consider joining your campaign if you were to stop playing the man instead of the ball.
Here is my view. We should be accepting investment from places overseas only where human rights are upheld (equal rights regardless of gender, sexuality, politics, ethnicity, religion, class and wealth). I am out of step with UK PLC on this since UK PLC has regarded this as not an issue since trade began. I can't recall one general election where human rights overseas has impacted on the outcome. I do not believe that the tide will be turned by palace Ultras. You think that every little helps. That's fine. Let's leave it there shall we?
Using social media, a bit like posting on a message board?
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My money is on the Spiv himself. I believe he paid for, provided and planted this banner. I would think he is more worried about the league having a ‘big 7’ instead of a ‘big 6’ and Palace being thrust further down pile than any moral outrage though.
Looking forward to the next banner that the Premier League’s new self appointed moral guardians are going to unveil. Will it be against Chelsea around how Abramovich acquired the state assets and made his billions or will they protest against Man City’s owners who are accused by amnesty international of trying to “sportswash” their country’s “deeply tarnished image”?
Of course not, because Chelsea and Man City are not relegation rivals for Palace.
You are unlikely to persuade me of anything if you start invoking men in the sky![]()
So you oppose taking the knee since it wont end racism? Or what is the difference between opposing and taking a stance against Saudi violation of human rights and opposing racists violation of human rights?
Where were Palace when this happened:
The Abu Dhabi led takeover of Manchester City has rightly received condemnation and anger.
By endorsing this, the Premier League has made a mockery of it’s own ‘Owners and Directors’ test.
The Premier League has chosen money over morals and in green lighting this deal, has done business with one of the world’s most bloody and repressive regimes.
According to human rights organisations, the government of the UAE violates a number of fundamental human rights. The UAE does not have democratically elected institutions and citizens do not have the right to change their government or to form political parties.
Activists and academics who criticize the regime are detained and imprisoned, and their families are often harassed by the state security apparatus. There are reports of forced disappearances in the UAE, many foreign nationals and Emirati citizens have been abducted by the UAE government and illegally detained and tortured in undisclosed locations.
In numerous instances, the UAE government has tortured people in custody (especially expats and political dissidents), and has denied their citizens the right to a speedy trial and access to counsel during official investigations.
UAE laws discriminate against LGBT individuals only.
Flogging and stoning are legal forms of judicial punishment in the UAE due to Sharia courts although no stoning has ever taken place.[
The government restricts freedom of speech and freedom of the press, and the local media are censored to avoid criticising the government, government officials or royal families.
Despite being elected to the UN Council, the UAE has not signed most international human-rights and labour-rights treaties, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and the Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families.
“On Saturday 23 October police received a report of an offensive banner displayed by Crystal Palace fans. Officers are assessing the information and carrying out enquiries. Any allegations of racist abuse will be taken very seriously.”
Pathetic. I'm with the Palace lot on this one.
Please stop now.
I have always supported taking the knee and have posted relentlessly about this. Anything that annoys racists and makes them feel out of step is good in my book. I have never said anything other than this.
'Supporting' protest banners against the Saudis is quite different. Why? The Saudis won't give a flying tiny shit about banners at football matches. HMG and the FA have said 'you're OK mate' and the Newcastle fans love them so if you don't like it (and I don't like it) then you need to think up a better plan than banners, leaflets, quiche drives etc. I don't have a plan. I'd like to see a global economic boycott of Saudi and a number of other countries, albeit this would probably trigger a world war, so I suggest this with circumspection.
Perhaps diplomacy, then? Softly softly etc?
Meanwhile the banners may have some effect. As I said, in theree weeks we will see if the campaign has legs....and in a year if the Saudis are gone, I will acknowledge I was wrong.
And I am very certainly not going to boo the banners. If one goes up in the North Stand I will very certainly applaud it.
Shouting at me, someone who probably shares most of your values (yes, it's true) is ****ing stupid, to be frank.
Was not expecting to persuade you of anything (I'm not that foolish). I'm arguing with you on an internet football forum in order to let off steam about something that I am genunely angry about and to avoid doing some work that I am finding tricky.
I'm a devout athiest, but there are certain phrases that have meaning beyond the literal. And in this case, as an expression of relief I think it works rather well.
So why have a go at the Premier League. Why didn't the HF do something against the govenment?
If we limited peoples forms of protests to those that guarantees an end result/is the single strongest action possible there and then, then barely any form of protest would exist.
A few points. A racist won't care about those who take the knee, but you support that. That's a small act within the powers of those doing it. It won't solve the overall issue but that doesn't mean it could be criticised as not doing enough.
Yet the banner, which the saudis probably wont care about, and is a small act within the powers of those doing it, is criticised as not being enough.
If we limited peoples forms of protests to those that guarantees an end result/is the single strongest action possible there and then, then barely any form of protest would exist.