It's moments like these when I'm disappointed that we haven't got "spits tea across room" or "laughs so hard coffee comes out of nose" emoticons.

It's moments like these when I'm disappointed that we haven't got "spits tea across room" or "laughs so hard coffee comes out of nose" emoticons.
Interview on ssn with Ben Haim
-Claims he is already owed 2.5m
-Deal reached with the first administrator in 5mins, this time it's difficult because birch will talk to them, then disappear for a couple of months.
I don't blame the player's at all. Portsmouth offered them the contracts. Seriously would anyone on here just say "ok I will take a £20k a week pay cut"......NO, no they wouldn't and if they say they would I suggest they are full of shit.
Interview on ssn with Ben Haim
-Claims he is already owed 2.5m
-Deal reached with the first administrator in 5mins, this time it's difficult because birch will talk to them, then disappear for a couple of months
-Says birch has forgotten he has to do the deal with the player, not with the press
-[on chanrai's comments that the deal rests on the players] we're not in this situation because of the players, but because of the owners. Doesn't know if it's chanrai or the owners befre him that are responsible for the 250m, but it was the owners, we [the players] signed a contract with good faith
-we want the club to survive but you have to talk with us, not the press
-reluctant to put a figure on how much he's lost, but it's over 2, 2.5m, and is prepared to lose more to help the club survive, on the other hand even even the administrator - his fee is not less than what I earn, nobody talks about that. I'm prepared to lose more, but he'd have to cut his fees as well.
I have no idea what I'd do, but imagining myself turning out for a football club, in front of fans who are pleading with me to take a paycut, in League One, knowing that everyone else is being paid at most a 7th of what I'd be on..... well, it'd cross my mind to work something out.
If I had based my standard of lving on this wage (mortgage) etc than no I would not accept my wages being cut.
TBF thow would you need a mortgage on 36k a week?
Maybe TBH should get Pini Zahavi to use a phone if he wants to talk - I believe many football agents own them. Birch answered my call on the first ring.
The income he derives from being a professional footballer has to possibly last him 50 years after hanging his boots up. Interesting to note that the administrator's weekly fee is equal to or more than TBH's weekly wage packet.
The income he derives from being a professional footballer has to possibly last him 50 years after hanging his boots up. Interesting to note that the administrator's weekly fee is equal to or more than TBH's weekly wage packet.
I have no idea what I'd do, but imagining myself turning out for a football club, in front of fans who are pleading with me to take a paycut, in League One, knowing that everyone else is being paid at most a 7th of what I'd be on..... well, it'd cross my mind to work something out.