The level of scaremongering certainly was, the problem was if you "had" it you couldn't go to the docs to get it checked out, a lot of people thought they had it when they only had a sniffle. I had one mate who "got" Swine Flu but was back to work the next day. That's not Swine Flu.
There's a lot you can read into about the amount of power the big medical companies have both over here and in America, it's probably mix of genuine stuff and conspiracy theories.
Sars, Bird Flu, Swine Flu - give it another 6 months, there will be another GLOBAL PANDEMIC on the way no doubt that kills about 500 people worldwide.
500 are you being ironic?
was it hyped? or was the reaction productive in containing and therefore preventing the spread?
i think the truth was there was poor reporting in the initial stages, some mexican village where there were supposed to be dozens of deaths in fact only had a couple. later on, docotors were prescribing Tamiflu for whole families when one got ill, making it look like there were far more incidents of flu. I blame the media more for transmitting the hype and fears of potential epidemic unchecked, putting undue pressure on authorities to (over)react.
I had a free jab,so that's ok.Has it totally flown away now,or is it like homing flu,returning in time for the next flu season ?