From the outside looking in- it does seem a shame that political parties are involved in these elections. Surely the appointment should be apolitical
When is the voting??
havent had any literature about it or even who the candidates are so how can I vote.
If they can't be arsed, neither can I
Therein lies the rub. It's ONLY the major political parties who have the funds to get their literature out to the million or so electors in every police area. And even they can't afford to get information to every household.
A spoilt paper shows you don't want any candidate, it doesn't make it 'hard' for the counters at all! The ones that make it hard are the ones where the vote is ambiguous.Who does a spoilt vote help? It just makes it hard for the volunteer counters who have no connection with the candidates whatsoever!
I vote for the sake of voting....for the "occasion" and don't understand why political parties should be relevant in this?
I voted for Katy Bourne purely because she was NOT connected with the police in any way, and the others were!
There is no PCC vote in London.7% turnout reported in Oxford, 6% in Leeds and one in London as low as 3.2% – but the lowest was at 5pm in Southampton with a 1% turnout at that point.
7% turnout reported in Oxford, 6% in Leeds and one in London as low as 3.2% – but the lowest was at 5pm in Southampton with a 1% turnout at that point.
I went to the booth and went, Labour no too far left, Liberal Democrat no too far left, UKIP no what's coming out of the EU got to do with the police, conservatives its a woman, imagine WPC outfit, first choice, oh independant, bless him, second choice.
I literally have no idea what any of them stand for or what they what to do or even what it all means.
That's democracy for you.
This has been a total farce from earhole to breakfast time.