Unlucky always listen to your body. At least you had a go and six miles is a good distance. Where did the reroute go? I saw signs along London Road by Trafalgar Street and by the King Alfred I think! That bloody hail about 1pm was a right pain literally though you lot might have been finished by then.
The old course started with a loop round the North Laine, out to Hove Lagoon, back along to Roedean then down the undercliff walk and back to Madeira Drive.
This year it was a loop round the North Laine, then turn left on the seafront to do a loop along Marine Parade out to Dukes Mound, down the slope to Maderia Drive, cut back to the marina and then turn again and head back to the start line, then out to Hove Lagoon, back along the seafront and then another go round the Dukes Mound loop.