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Most complaints about stewards on here are from people breaking the rules. There are rear exits from most stands.
I had a ding dong with a steward before the game. I parked about 5min walk from Withdean and as i left he shouted "Your f***ing van won't be there when you come back"
So i went upto him and asked him on what right he had to have it removed. So he said read the signs that say no parking, to which i asked him to show me one where i was parked that said i couldn't. So he then said he supervisor gave him the right to have the vehicle removed. I pointed out it wasn't illegally parked and had road tax on it so if it wasn't there when i came back i'd sue. He then told me he'd follow me to the ground, so i told him to feel free.
After a chat to his supervior the steward then found himself out of job.
Now before anyone says i shouldn't be parking near the ground etc. The supervisor started our chat by telling me he could stop me entering the ground which i wasn't aware of, but finished our chat by telling me to park in a different place next time.
They are bastards, they also kill kittens after the game..I'VE SEEN THEM.
yes me and a few of my friends got told to move on and go out as we were standing at the front , dont see what the problem is , we are not in anybodys view and doing nothing wrong?
I had a ding dong with a steward before the game. I parked about 5min walk from Withdean and as i left he shouted "Your f***ing van won't be there when you come back"
So i went upto him and asked him on what right he had to have it removed. So he said read the signs that say no parking, to which i asked him to show me one where i was parked that said i couldn't. So he then said he supervisor gave him the right to have the vehicle removed. I pointed out it wasn't illegally parked and had road tax on it so if it wasn't there when i came back i'd sue. He then told me he'd follow me to the ground, so i told him to feel free.
After a chat to his supervior the steward then found himself out of job.
Now before anyone says i shouldn't be parking near the ground etc. The supervisor started our chat by telling me he could stop me entering the ground which i wasn't aware of, but finished our chat by telling me to park in a different place next time.
I see, so it's the stewards fault that you're a lazy bastard?
I was standing under the clock waiting for the rest of my family with about 10 mins to go after going to the loo.
I witnessed the stewards telling people to move on and not stand and watch the game.
After watching him tell 2 kids aged around 10 to move on and leave the game after they didn’t move cos they had been told to stay there be there dad. The steward walked through ad boards pretty much forced them to leave, after he had finished abusing his power on two 10 year olds he then went after a elderly man telling him to move on but he was still moving just not very fast.
did anyone else witness this, I think it was an absolute disgrace i just wish i had got his name.
I had a ding dong with a steward before the game. I parked about 5min walk from Withdean and as i left he shouted "Your f***ing van won't be there when you come back"
So i went upto him and asked him on what right he had to have it removed. So he said read the signs that say no parking, to which i asked him to show me one where i was parked that said i couldn't. So he then said he supervisor gave him the right to have the vehicle removed. I pointed out it wasn't illegally parked and had road tax on it so if it wasn't there when i came back i'd sue. He then told me he'd follow me to the ground, so i told him to feel free.
After a chat to his supervior the steward then found himself out of job.
Now before anyone says i shouldn't be parking near the ground etc. The supervisor started our chat by telling me he could stop me entering the ground which i wasn't aware of, but finished our chat by telling me to park in a different place next time.
why did you not stand up for the kids and explain to the steward that their old man told them to stay there? you're just as bad coming on here moaning about it without actually doing anything. Thats like watching someone get beaten up then afterwards going over and saying to the beaten up man "I would've kicked their arses for you" but you stood and watched......YOU are the problem with society!
If people want to be able to stand at matches, (I do for 1), complaining about the stewards isn't the way. Campaign for the (limited) return of terraces at football grounds, similar to the safe standing areas found in countries like Germany, write to you MP for get involved in campaigns to see a return of standing to part of the grounds in this country.
I find a lot of the stewards really friendly and helpful, but as people have said above it's just one or two that give them all a bad name.
What a stupid thing to say. Everyone who pays road tax can park wherever the hell they want unless it clearly says you can't, so why shouldn't Happy Seagull park right next to the stadium if he so wishes? When you go to the supermarket you park right outside it, you don't park fifteen minutes away. When you go to the cinema you park at it, not half a dozen streets away. Why should a football ground be any different?
What a stupid thing to say. Everyone who pays road tax can park wherever the hell they want unless it clearly says you can't, so why shouldn't Happy Seagull park right next to the stadium if he so wishes? When you go to the supermarket you park right outside it, you don't park fifteen minutes away. When you go to the cinema you park at it, not half a dozen streets away. Why should a football ground be any different?