What agenda? Did they not get hammered?
Not comparatively.
What agenda? Did they not get hammered?
Not comparatively.
Not comparatively.
Still, at least Tottingham are still the bestest team in London according to somebody on here...
hah, serves 'em right for nicking "we're f***ing brilliant" against Jocks of Midlothain the other week ... karma!
London's #1.Famous & feared.
Bet the red top editors are hoping for a cracking game in Man Utd v Aresnal so they don't need to devote so much attention to their chosen ones humiliation at home
Where's that twat Paxton Dazo?
Ahhhhh, of course. Silly me.
Well I just hope that boast doesn't come to haunt you in future, 'cos there's always someone madder & badder just round the corner who'll be desperate to show you that they/you're not. Banning orders, prison sentences & serious injury might seem like a bit of a laugh to those seduced by all the Top Boy/Toe-to-toe/Mob bollox: but I've known a few guys who have been up to their necks in this 'scene' in the past & they see it for what it actually is now (i.e. a mug's game). Just you make sure you choose carefully & don't go losing sight of the consequences. You (& the rest of us) might be far better served if you joined a proper fighting force.
Is that the same twat who's probably been to more Brighton games than you other the last 10 years?
Source?Is that the same twat who's probably been to more Brighton games than you other the last 10 years?
Gave the biased sports editors a chance to leave their mate alone and pick on johnny foreigner.
Now as 'arry put it to his hack mates within the last year, he's just 2 or 3 players from mounting a serious PL challenge. Yeah, right.
I've been to fifty one games over the past decade, impressive considering the distance I live from Brighton and the demands of the better half.
What's football violence (I assume thats what you're on about) got to do with it?
I've been to fifty one games over the past decade, impressive considering the distance I live from Brighton and the demands of the better half.
Says who?
I was there, and fairly sober considering the 19:45 kick off time & we didn't sing that.Tottenham wouldn't sing a song like that. (Not a dig at Brighton)